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Hey there! These last few weeks felt like summer, so I’ve been having an amazing time! I can’t wait to share a little personal update with all of you 😊

What I’ve Been Up To

While busy season is back, I also snuck in two personal projects before things got too wild and crazy.

You might have seen the sneak peeks on my Instagram, and each of these projects will also have their own journal entries coming soon, but I have to share some more sneak peeks here:

I love pushing my creativity, and now I’m trying to think up of a session to have in the late fall when things start to slow down. The horse bridal shoot took 8 months of planning, so I know I need to start soon!

On a separate note, this month we also celebrated Esmie’s 18 month birthday! It’s wild that my baby is fully walking, talking in toddler sentences, and has a sharp personality. She’s a huge introvert, so she can be more reserved in public. But at home? Trust me, she’s wild!

This weekend is our last at home before what I’m calling our wedding guest marathon. We will be road-tripping down to Virginia to attend a wedding, and then we’re turning around for home pretty quickly.

(If you’re asking yourself if I recently did a roadtrip down to Virginia it’s because I did. Apparently we just like the drive now? 😅)

A few days after we get home, I have a wedding that I’m working, and then the next day we get to celebrate with one of my college best friends as she gets married.

So for those keeping track, it will be 18 hours of roadtripping, two weddings as a guest, and one wedding for my business, in one week. I’ll have to let you know how it all goes!

What I’ve Been Reading

Cover art from Barnes and Noble

I first fell in love with Kristin Hannah when I read The Great Alone during a teacher book club I used to be in. I’ve read almost all of her novels, and even though she grew so much as a writer, even her older, cheesier ones still make me smile.

I’m still towards the beginning, but The Women is a historical fiction novel that pulls from the real life history of women that served in the Vietnam War, specifically as nurses.

When I joined the library hold line for this book I was just under 2,000th in line, so I’ve been waiting for this one for a while!

What I’ve Been Watching

Dillon and I are now deep into our rewatch of Brooklyn Nine Nine. Even though it’s our third time through it’s possibly more funny than the first time? We remember our favorite jokes and anticipate them with nostalgia, and then we resonate with new ones.

We also finally finished Big Brother season 2. If you don’t want spoilers, skip to the next section.

While it’s so true that Will grew on me as the season progressed, and I do think he deserved the win, season 2 overall felt lackluster to me. I don’t like that everyone was in the jury, and that the jury didn’t have to be isolated. When jury management is all about being strategic in the diary room instead of carefully plotting your end game it’s less exciting for me. And no veto? BOOOO.

I do think Will is super smart, and he rightly monopolized the game in this format. But I do think that as they change the jury and add vetoes, the game becomes more complex. I’m excited to watch Will’s seasons later on and see how he adapts to the newer version of the game.

What I’m Excited About

More weddings and travel, like I already mentioned. But for this month, my full list includes:

-Attending a graduation party for a sweet senior in our home group at church. The whole family is about to make a big move, so this party is extra special and bittersweet for us.

-Family pictures for my in-laws. This is my first time photographing my youngest niece, which is a milestone in and of itself!

-Traveling down and back to Virginia once again with Dillon and my in-laws for a wedding for one of our former youth group students

-Celebrating my 9 year wedding anniversary with Dillon. It’s crazy that it’s been almost a decade!

-A wedding at the Lighthouse Inn in Dennis. This is my first Cape wedding of the season, and Cape weddings are always my favorite weddings. The light is just better down at the Cape. Their engagement session was also at The Lighthouse Inn, so you can see what I mean

-Attending the wedding of one of my best friends from college. She’s getting married at the Connemara House Farm, so it’s going to be beautiful!

-Photographing a wedding reception at the Cape Club of Sharon for one of my sweet couples. I did their engagement session, and unfortunately I couldn’t cover their elopement since it was only a few weeks after my c-section with Esmie. But now that they’re ready for their big celebration, they asked me to join them again! I am beyond excited!

-Second shooting a Monday wedding at The Mountain Top Inn. I’ve never done a Monday wedding, so this is a first for me! I love The Mountain Top Inn, so that will be a fun little roadtrip up to Vermont.

-The gymnastics Olympic trials. I am obsessed with the Summer Olympics, and the women’s gymnastics is definitely the epicenter of my obsession. The trials have been marked on my calendar, and I can’t wait for all of the fanfare to begin!!

I am so excited for all that’s coming this month, especially the official start of summer! Make sure that you’re following along so you don’t miss a thing. You can also sign up for my newsletter here so that you don’t miss a thing!

Until next time,
