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Pizza Cupcakes and Road Trips

Hey there! It’s officially summer, and so far it’s a lot less rainy this year, which means it’s been an absolutely amazing month!

What I’ve Been Up To:

June was a busy month! We road tripped back down to Virginia–that’s the second time this year! We did 20 hours of driving in 36 hours. You can guess how tired we all felt after that ๐Ÿ˜…

The crazy driving was worth it though to celebrate a new marriage.

Dillon and I also attended another wedding for one of my college friends. We had so much fun dancing the night away and creating new memories. I also found a new love of my life: pizza cupcakes. I haven’t stopped thinking of these since we tried them!

We are also gearing up for potty training once again! I have a feeling things will go well, but we’re about to be in the thick of it this coming weekend.

I’ve also been slowly getting ready for my trip to Switzerland next month to be the second photographer for a stunning wedding weekend. I can’t wait to share some travel pictures next time!! While this won’t be my first time flying with camera gear (just ask Dillon๐Ÿ˜…), it’s the first time I’m trying to bring just about everything along. I found an amazing little backpack camera bag I can use as my personal item so that I can actually use my carry on for clothing. It fits all but one lens, so that’s a victory!

What I’ve Been Reading

Sadly, I’m in between books. I’ve been so busy that reading for fun happens less and less right now. That’s okay though since I know it will come back when I have the time.

The last book I read was The Librarian of Burned Books, a historical fiction set both before and during World War II. To be honest, I didn’t love this one. I would give it a 3/5. The foreshadowing was so apparent and happened so frequently that I felt the author repeatedly whacked me with a sledge hammer. There really ended up being next to no surprises in the book since everything became clear from the first few chapters.

I know that I’ve been busy, but I never reached for this book to figure out what happened next. If I did have time to read in my day, this felt more like being duty driven than excited. It wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t even close to the best I’ve read in a while.

What I’ve Been Watching

This is a little embarrassing to admit, but season 6 of The Circle. Each season I ask myself why I watch, yet I keep coming back, and I can’t walk away.

One benefit is that the show is admittedly the perfect background show. As long as you can listen, you can do other things while it plays. Maybe that’s part of the allure for me.

What I’m Excited About

First of all, no more diapers!!! This is a surreal moment for me, and I’m ready to embrace it!

My full list includes:

-A Wychmere wedding. I’ve second shot here, but this will be my first time for my brand!

Summer celebration at our church. I love this little annual tradition we have where we all just get together, enjoy burgers and ice cream, play games, and listen to the kids perform their VBS songs. It’s super fun!

-The return of Big Brother! Listening to Big Brother live feed recap podcasts on my way to weddings is a summer staple for me. I’m so ready!

-WATCHING THE OLYMPICS!! I’m a little devastated that the opening ceremonies and beginning of gymnastics happens when I’m traveling, but I can’t be too sad since A) I’m traveling and B) DVR does exist. I love watching everyone’s stories unfold. I can’t wait to cheer on the athletes and be impressed both by how athletic they are and how unathletic I truly am ๐Ÿ˜‚

-As previously mentioned, my trip to Switzerland! On the way there, I’m flying by myself and then taking a train before meeting up with my friend, Stephanie. I’ve flown by myself domestically, but not internationally, so this is a new adventure for me. I’ve also never been to Switzerland, so I’m excited to see it! This will be the 16th country I’ve visited, and I’m so excited to add a new travel spot to my resume.